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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Petition To Make a Day Twenty-Six Hours. And Two Grateful Lists

Yesterday I began the day feeding carrots to my neighbors horses. ...Ahhh... Then I spent three hours hurdling through space & time on I-87 South. By late afternoon I was haunted by a Yoko Ono art installation at MOMA. At about nine-thirty I realized my "relax" to "doing" ratio was all out of whack. So I put my rump on the couch for the rest of the night. After my first round a channel surfing I then realized that I hadn't even thought about gratitude or my seven day Grateful list call-to-action. So here it is a day later. I'm more centered, relaxed and able to breathe. And I'll double up on my list; one for yesterday and one for today. Check it out:

Grateful list 6/29/10
1) Memory
2) Fresh coffee
3) 100.1 WDST, Woodstock Radio - Awesome!
4) Seeing things through
5) Humility
6) Blue Jays in the trees
7) Opportunity
8) The Ironies in life

Grateful list 6/30/10
1) Mangos
2) Spontaneous dancing to Caribbean music
3) Reflection
4) Action/adventure movie trailers
5) Anticipation
6) Stretching

Want to hop on the gratitude train? It's a smooth ride to daily fulfillment & positivity. We make all local stops, there's frequent service and no delays. Boarding passes are free, just answer the following question:
What are you grateful for today? Post a comment. Share your list. Start a shift.

Robert Dioguardi, CPCC
Visceral Coaching
Certified Empowerment Coach
Where do you want to be in 30 days?
Enroll in the 30 Day Visceral Goals Intensive.
Commit Yourself /Achieve Your Goals/Create Your Future

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i am grateful for:

1. Luna, my dog
2. Clean clothes
3. My mom and dads voice on the phone
4. Laughter. Like belly aching OUT. LOUD. laughter.
5. Teaching